I often mention the vampire killing kit in New York City that inspired me to start seriously researching vampire folklore. Last October, to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the release of my book, I shared some pictures of that enigmatic object. This year, I thought it would be fitting to share images of another kit I’ve seen. This one is on the opposite side of the continent in another iconic locale – Hollywood, California!

Just like the vampire killing kit in New York, the Hollywood kit can also be found in a Ripley’s Believe It or Not! museum. While both kits have similar contents (such as a pistol, vials, bullet mold, and wooden stake), there are numerous visual differences between the two. Thus, each one appears unique. I found the red lining, prominent crucifix, and sturdy stake of the Hollywood kit to be especially striking.

Vampire Killing Kit, side

In my book, I touch upon the controversy surrounding vampire killing kits in general. While some question their authenticity, you can’t question their mystique. Of course, I think their allure reflects the fascination we have with vampires overall. If you’d like to learn about vampire folklore and what people actually believed about the undead, please read my book, Vampires of Lore: Traits and Modern Misconceptions.

Vampire Killing Kit, front


6780 Hollywood Blvd
Hollywood, CA 90028

Official site: ripleys.com/hollywood

Written by A. P. Sylvia


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